Category: Hardware
AXIOM Beta Crowd Funding Launch AXIOM Beta: The first open digital cinema camera apertus° was started by filmmakers who were fed up with the limitations of the tools they had to work with every day. Compared to 50 years ago, cameras today are technologically far superior, but at same time a lot less accessible. AXIOM Beta intends to fix […]
Collaborative filming, Copyrights and licenses, HardwareGPL workflow
The Apertus project aims to create a powerful, free and open (in terms of liberty) cinema camera that filmmakers love to use. The project is based on the Elphel open source camera. The Apertus website has a new sub site ‘about the research to achieve a 100% free software workflow to post-process video under Linux.’ […]
Copyrights and licenses, Editing software, Hardware, NewsMagic Lantern os firmware
(Probably old) News for owners of a Canon Eos 5d Mark II camera who want to use their still image camera as a videocamera, there is the open source firmware upgrade MagicLantern. Installing ML gives the choice to boot the camera into either the Canon factory software or the firmware.
Films and Projects, Hardware, NewsApertus O.S. camera project
“The goal of the Apertus: Open Source Cinema Project is to create a powerful free and open cinema camera that we as filmmakers love to use. The idea of using an Elphel camera for this particular purpose was born in 2006, found many followers over the years and ultimately resulted in this community driven project […]
Copyrights and licenses, Hardware, NewsElphel OS network camera
NC353L-369-HDD Elphel, Inc. provides high performance cameras based on free software and open hardware designs. “Freedom of the users of Elphel products is our top priority – we value and protect it with the GNU General Public License that covers all the Elphel software and hardware designs. This freedom extends from the convenience of the […]
Copyrights and licenses, Hardware, NewsFrankencam Open Source SLR
Stanford photo scientists are out to reinvent digital photography with the introduction of an open-source digital camera, which will give programmers around the world the chance to create software that will teach cameras new tricks. Read article for Stanford University news by David Orenstein.
Copyrights and licenses, Hardware, News2008: Man with a movie camera
Image left: Vertov, image right uploaded by Jerome Ming, Hanoi Man With a Movie Camera: The Global Remake is a participatory video-work to which people around the world are invited to contribute by capturing videos that interpret the original shots of Vertov’s film Man With A Movie Camera and upload them to the website. The […]
Collaborative filming, Films and Projects, Hardware, Manuals, Media archives, NewsYour Own Private Pirate TV Station
On thursday 20-11-08 members of media collective !Mediengruppe Bitnik gave a workshop demonstrating how to quickly build a short range Television station from readymade electronic parts that are easily available in your local electronics store. Building the broadcast station allows you to broadcast through the ether, the broadcast can be received on TV’s or VHS […]
Collaborative Online Video workshop, Hardware, ManualsStrobo scare
Via the Makezine blog: What a network camera combined with motion can do to keep your cat away from your plants: check out the Blender Defenderproject ” Have a cat that won’t stay off your counters? I do. I finally got fed up with it enough to do something about it: scare the crap out […]
Hardware, NewsCollaborative Online Video
Coming soon ! We’re happy to announce the upcoming Open Source Video Libre workshop + presentations around collective video distribution. The workshop consists of a series of hands on exercises in sharing (P2P) video, distributed editing and Content Management Systems for video sharing and archiving, and a series of evening presentations focusing on inventive practices […]
Collaborative filming, Copyrights and licenses, Hardware, News, Workshop Open Video Libre
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