23 october 2010: PureDataVideo
Present: Lionel, Laïa, Thibaut, An, Olivier, Kobe, Stéfan, Maniseng, Peter
- Some new people: Maniseng (ex indymedia or should I say De wereldmorgen?), Thibaut (sound + pd) Lionel (simple video edit) Olivier (puredata circle Okno)
images: http://gallery.constantvzw.org/main.php?g2_itemId=35110
- Stéfan gives a demonstration of working with video in puredata.
He shows some works he has made.
-> with a webcam an image stream is captured, -> small loops are made setting in and outpoints on the captured video. The loops can be layered on top of each other and on the real time capture. the nice thing is that there is e feeling of a 'live' situation with a memory, you can jump back in the stream that has just been captured.
Also he shows a collage of images that have been stitched together using geo-data. To capture the geolocations, he used the same method as we did in BUSCARTESMAPS: start the camera and the gps at the same time, define a marge around the waypoint + slice.
We try a little bit while he is talking to install and set up a project in PD, An seems to be catching on quickly :-) Note: if you install don't go for the Apt-get one, instead go to puredata.info/downloads, choose PureData extended, and install that. Extended has more built in features.
- Stéfan walks over some basics:
what is an object, message, how to work with entry and exit points, how to tweak parameters. Nice intro.
- Stéfan uses PD on both mac and Linux and finds it more stable on Mac. Maybe due to a wider degree of tolerance of the mac version for possible buggy code. Or maybe due to codec problems.. (although MJPEG should be ok for linux?)
- Olivier is organising the PD patching circle a monthly meeting at Okno of people working with puredata. Next meeting is Sunday 31. In Osvideo meetings we are not specifically focusing on the use of PD. So if you want to continue to use PD, joining the circle seems a good idea. Contact: ol--AT--ogeem.be
He mentions the pidip library set that allows you to use several camera's / inputs in multiple screens. http://ydegoyon.free.fr/pidip.html
To be investigated further.
- An shows the work of Simon and Kaleidoscope because of the similarities in interface and it being a tool for performing with software as was the first idea of Stéfans looping video work. Funny is that Maniseng knew Kaleidoscope because she came from Indimedia to film By data we mean + the performance during VJ12 in La Bellone. Thank you Maniseng :-)
- Next meeting is 4 december. Stéfan will be absent.
There is no subject set yet, but several people ask for an introduction to time line editing. There was an early idea of Kobe to investigate embedding video in spip / blogs and the HTML 5 video tag.
Let's communicate + organise through the mailing list.
Here you can find some links dealing with puredata
- http://en.flossmanuals.net/puredata
- http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/
- http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list