Crazed Cinelerra 1080P

Dealing with a new media format in Linux and Cinelerra is never easy. But if you have patience, it is very satisfying to get a project done that makes your friends say “Wow” or have a laugh.

Cinelerra enthusiast the Mule bought himself a new Canon 5D still-image camera and posts findings of his experiments with the 1080p video-output of this image capturing giant on his weblog; check out those beautiful images and handy encoding suggestions.

— when you are looking for how to transcode footage for the purpose of editing in Cinelerra, uploading to online video services or viewing it on a media player, this post contains some nifty tips that could even work with video files that have been outputted in similar formats by last years model cameras 😉

Find other postings on Cinelerra related experiments in the Cinelerra thread

Posted on: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 by: in category: Editing software, Manuals, Problems and solutions